Why "Rainegazing"

something about the sunset that even though thousands of identical photos already exist, i still cannot help but take one
After too much procrastinating and contemplating, I finally find the drive to re-build this blog. I started blogging almost two years ago when one of my best friends asked me if I blog (because he knows that I write sometimes) and I can only answer him, "Ummmm, actually no." I guess I developed my love for words when I was still in elementary. I remember contributing articles and f eature stories to our school paper and even competed in a few Writing Contests. Then that feeling of excitement whenever my teacher asks us to write essays on our English classes. (I still wonder why I did not take any English major or Communication course back in college.)

Why Rainegazings?

To let my case rest, I embarrassingly called my first blog "between the raine drops". Why? I honestly don't know why. I was so much in the zone that I didn't have second thoughts on what to name my blog.

Anyway, when I thought of re-creating my blog, I had a pretty hard time thinking of a new name. My friends suggested "Raine's Scribbles", "Walk with Raine", "Dance with Raine", "Let it Raine", among many others. I suppose there's just so many phrases that you can make up with my name.)

As I don't want this to only focus on my travel journeys, I decided to name it "Rainegazing".

\verb \ˈgāz·ing
: to fix the eyes in a steady intent look often with eagerness or studious attention

I have so much kwentos in me. Sometimes, I find comfort in weaving words together and putting my pen to work (or mostly the keyboard). Each and every post I share in this blog would be  my "gazing".

Gazing about the adventures, places, food, books, wonders, experiences, heartaches (naks!), bliss, chaos, abyss that our vast universe had offered and has to offer; about seeking love and compassion in all the wrong and rightful places and time. 

As I always said, I am by no means an expert on anything but allow me to share how I marvel this beautiful world in my own inquisitive eyes, how I fumble my way through this roller coaster that is life. And through this, I encourage you to do the same - to live a life full of stories to tell. After all, as we grow old, don't we want to tell our grandchildren how we aged gracefully and charmingly? 

No regrets and hate.

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