What's Up?

I think I owe this entry to my blog (no, not to anyone). It's already the third month of the year (oh hello birth month!) and I have been so lazy and sluggish for the past few weeks that my to-write-travel-posts have already piled up on my drafts or still lying in the idle corner of my mind. So what's up? Let me try to digest for my own sake.
Expat Living
Expat n a person who left one's country to live elsewhere
Singapore living it is. How many months has it been? Almost 8 months now. Wow. It feels like a year already. I have learnt a lot along the wat though and I am actually liking it here - the convenience and comfort of life. Even though there are times when homesickness strikes, it is still manageable and tolerable. Thank you Singapore, you have been awesome for the past 8 months. I have come to get used to our love-hate relationship.
When work is spelled as S-T-R-E-S-S
Don't get me wrong. I am not complaining (though maybe yes I am, a little bit). But there's just so many things going on at work that sometimes work equates to stress. But that's just how it works, right? Now, I have already proven what I read in many articles, Singaporeans are indeed workaholic. Nevertheless, at least for me, Im still able to have a work-life balance. Good job there, self!
Friends Department
I am actually lucky to already have friends who are working here. They made my adjustment much easier and they have been a lot of help. Also, the people whom I only know by name before can now be considered as my friends. However, sometimes, I really miss my old friends back home. The midnight-after-work hangout sessions, Tagaytay road trips just because we want to eat bulalo, videoke nights, the tamadan and baliwan talks, the out-of-town trips and a lot more.
Adulting 101
When does adulting turns into adulthood? Am I considered an adult because I pay my own bills? Am I an adult because I have been so independent for such a long time? Am I an adult because I have a sufficient-paying job or because I'm already on my mid 20s? I don't know actually. But maybe, yes. I am an adult, though not in all aspects but I believe I am one. And I like to think I am actually 'adulting' the right way.
In any way, I am still keeping my head high and surrounding myself with all the possible positivity there is.
Cheers! Namaste, xx.
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